



Being inspired from the name of her father - “Wataru”, whose “Kanji” (Chinese characters that are used in the Japanese writing system) makes us imagine “the voyage” and her mother’s name “Yoko”, which makes us imagine “the sun”, the baby was named “Sora” meaning “the Sky”. However, her life’s start was like a little rough wave. Her expected delivery came early and suddenly Yoko had to get hospitalized. Additionally , both of their parents were under the weather. Even with such unforeseen circumstances, the hero was, surely, Wataru.
“He was with us and stayed at the hospital from a week before Sora’s birth and I was very reassured”. Sora was safely born, and the 2nd child of Wataru’s sister was also born just a day after her birth! “It was so busy, just like Obon (summer break in Japan when families often get together) and New Year came together!” says Yoko.
Yoko is a hair and makeup artist, and she had an important offer when Sora was only 2 months old. Again, she felt that she could have only done it with Wataru’s support. Wataru told us that “Sora was such a little baby at the time, so was crying all the time. I had no idea what to do, so I took her outside. Then, suddenly, she was calmed down! He took her to 4 different parks and kelp walking for 4hours and today, still the father and the daughter love taking a walk together.

9世帯が同じ建物に入居しているモダンなコーポラティブハウス。自分たちで組合を作って共同購入、土地探しから住宅の設計、誰が何号棟に住むかなどをすべて話し合いで決めたのだそう。それぞれがこだわりのイメージを持ちつつも、寄り添って暮らすコミュニティならではの一体感がここにはあります。「建物そのものや共有スペースは統一感がありますが、家の中はまったくの自由なんですよね」と航さん。真っ白な壁にはそらちゃんのお絵描きが!のびのびとしたクレヨンの跡が、その自由な雰囲気を物語っているかのようです。D BY DADWAYのイブル・キルティングマットを敷いて、思うままに色とりどりのクレヨンで遊ぶクリエイティブなスペース。「抱っこひものベルトカバーや、おねんねに使うおくるみのガーゼストールなど、鳥や草花など自然のモチーフがさりげなくって気に入っています。色も鮮やかで、おうちでもおでかけでも気分が上がるんですよね」と陽子さん。ギャラリーのような白を基調とした空間に、差し色となっているテキスタイルが印象的です。「いろんな色や形が刺激になるといいですよね。最近では美術館などにアート鑑賞にもでかけますが、海や山などにも遊びに行って一緒に美しい自然を感じたいですね」。

The family lives in a modern cooperative house where 9 households live together. They managed the group and they did everything together from looking for land, designing the house, and discussing who would live where. Each room has its own concept and design but there is a community which cooperates and supports each other. “We unified the design of the building and share space, but inside of each house is completely different”, says Wataru.
There are Sora’s paintings on a white wall. The relaxing atmosphere of her paints may reflect the houses. Ibul quilting mat from D BY DADWAY is a creative space for Sora where she likes to paint with her colorful crayons on it. Yoko likes D BY DADWAY’’s belt covers for the baby carrier and swaddles which they use for a nap, and says “ I like the motif of birds and greenery. Also their bright color makes us happy when going out”. Their room is white based like a gallery and the effecting color of textiles is impressive. “We hope many colors and shapes influence her. We like to visit art museums but we would also love to visit the ocean or mountains and play together in beautiful nature.

September. 2019